Thursday, December 26, 2013

Doing The Work...Nobody Does It For Me

I've heard it been said time and time again: Where there is a will, there is a way. Well, if there is passion in alignment with out!

In any given moment that I am struggling to see a goal through, I realize that I am simply lacking passion and resourcefulness. Me, nobody else. I own the thoughts that are usually down in the swampy gutter. Though if I can interrupt my negative thoughts and stir up enough passion and drive within myself, I can find my way through any obstacle!

Resources such as the internet, money, people that are smarter than me, books or education, and even my own faith all help lift me up to my dreams and aspirations only when I am being resourceful and utilizing them. If I stay stagnant and unwilling to do the work, then forget about it! I've got to do the work to get the reward. Whether this reward looks like a healthy relationship, new career, dream house, fancy car, money in my bank account, doing something I fear but know it will benefit my life in some way...or even through my own soundness of mind-it really doesn't matter. I must do the work...nobody else does it for me.

Is your passion in alignment with your resourcefulness? Who do you want to aspire to be or what do you desire to have in your life? Are you doing the work?

Always enjoy hearing your thoughts and stories. Just click on the ButterFlySober link below to view my profile and/or send a personal email.
Thanks and have a fabulous day!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Co-Creating Our Lives With God

When you can imagine the most, the greatest and even the best that you can be, just know as you’re imagining that…YOU’RE MORE THAN THAT EVEN! When we are only dealing with our own imaginations, everything is limited. Inside of co-creating with God, there is so much more!

This happened…so that this can happen…so this- that ultimately had to happen- happens.

All my life I’ve been curious and driven. It’s as if I’ve been on a love quest to inspire other people and myself. It's where I find my own personal bliss. Have I had dark moments? Yes. Though my understanding is that there is more at work as to why I am the way I am, and why I’ve gone through what I have gone through. I chose to and had to.

I believe everyone has purpose, or a calling if you will. We are all on the same journey of life: learning, teaching, growing and creating...together. I also believe we are co-creating our lives with God, building our own character and love with Him and others. I do the action of throwing the paint on my life's canvas and smudging it with my energy.

God doesn’t force me…He renews and inspires through a small whisper in my spirit, through miracles or beauty that I see, through awakenings and possibility. This encourages me to start with a fresh canvas when I get off track with the messiness, or just to add to what has already been created-to simply just keep going! Then again, sometimes there is too much dried up paint crusted around the container or on my brush and I've got to do the work and clean it up before moving forward. I dislike very much when this happens, though it's part of the process.

Do you also believe you are co-creating your life with a God of your understanding? Why or why not? Do you feel any inspiring encouragement to move in a certain direction in your own life? Where do you find your own personal bliss?

Always enjoy hearing your thoughts and stories. Just click on the ButterFlySober link below to view my profile and/or send a personal email.
Thanks and have a fabulous day!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

What Makes Us All Great

What we have together, that's what makes us great.

We are all in this world together, living the best lives we can or know how to. I believe in standing united with love, compassion and kindness-together.

How about you?

Always enjoy hearing your thoughts and stories. Just click on the ButterFlySober link below to view my profile and/or send a personal email.
Thanks and have a fabulous day!

Monday, December 9, 2013

What A Weekend!

Hello to you all! I hope you have had a fabulous, joy-filled or at least semi stress-free weekend. Weekends are so important to just simply unwind and maybe put on a great pair of sparkled heels, right?

With the attendance of a wonderful Christmas party, then to working with others in recovery, attending meetings, then another party where we created dream/vision boards and going out dancing, to working on my next book on Codependency...I found that I didn't get much blogging done.

One woman wrote in about being passionate inside of the topic of women loving themselves, so I believe that's what I will write about next on here. Great idea! Are there any of you who would like to share your passions with me? I'd be delighted to hear from you!

Video Blogs ~ More Yet To Come
Can't Keep A Sober Girl Down


Can't Keep A Codependent Girl Down

Always enjoy hearing your thoughts and stories. Just click on the ButterFlySober link below to view my profile and/or send a personal email.
Thanks and have a fabulous day!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

To Be Better and Hang With Great People

My day-to-day mindset is pretty simple: I want to be better and hang with great people!

One of my favorite books as a child was The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper, pseudonym for Arnold Munk. What an outstanding children's book! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! This story inspired me to never apologize for my internal go-GO juice to be better. For me, it is not about perfectionism, but rather ingenuity.

Surrounding myself with great people helps my engine get fired up so I can learn, grow and contribute to life. Great people believe in, encourage, guide and educate! Go-Go juice percolates above and beyond my wildest expectations when I'm in great company...which all contributes to growth in all facets of life. I internalize this as being healthy.

Better: comparative of good and well. Partly or fully recovered from illness, injury or mental stress.
Great: of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above the normal or average.

Are you also passionate about being better and surrounding yourself with great people? If not, why not? I'd be delighted to hear your feedback!

Video Blogs ~ More Yet To Come
Can't Keep A Codependent Girl Down

Can't Keep A Sober Girl Down


Always enjoy hearing your thoughts and stories. Just click on the ButterFlySober link below to view my profile and/or send a personal email.
Thanks and have a fabulous day!